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Villa 219


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The property which is greater than 100 acres is set admist swaying & beckoning coconut palms, verdant meadows & frolicking flower beds. The layout is developed thematically. The Hindu mythology park comprises of a 60 feet Shiva image & temple, a temple of Byataraya- the forest deity, Surya Bhagawan temple which invokes the Sun God. The roman theme which includes the arch of triumph at the junction of two 60 feet roads flanked on either side by roman figurines, the Vatican facade, overlooks a tranquil man made lake, all around the lake, there is a walk way developed on the lines of the Roman Coliseum The Masai Mara park is a tribute to the tribes of Africa & all other ancient tribes the world over giving us an insight into their lives. The fairy tale park kindles the child spirit in all, mesmerizing all with tales of Gulliver, snow white, pied piper, Hercules & Mowgli The toy train park will keep the young & old engaged, entertained & amused. The 8000 sft club house being built will be equipped with the contemporary gym facilities & other recreational themes & gaming areas. There are five swimming pools, with dedicated pools for ladies, children & toddlers The Chinese park has beautiful gazebos & restaurant facilities dragon bridges, unique seating arrangements A mini golf course is set admist this greenery with each hole representing a wild beast like a crocodile, mouth of a lion, etc. Fountain world: comprises of dancing fountains, murmuring brooks & cascading waterfalls, walk, jog or just relax beside limpid pools and sparkling water bodies.


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